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Mr. M

Road traffic accident

In 2015, Mr. M was involved in a relatively minor road traffic accident as a result of which he sustained a profound level of disability.

Mr. M initially instructed local solicitors who had conduct of his claim for a period of approximately 3 years, during which time Mr. M received poor service.

Mr. M subsequently instructed MRH Solicitors Serious Injury team to take over conduct of his claim and act on his behalf to recover compensation for his injury and loss. The claim was handled by Mrs. Sharon Long, a solicitor with 19 years post qualified experience in handling serious injury claims on behalf of Claimants.

The claim was complex and the nature and extent of Mr. M’s claim were disputed by the Defendant. However, Mrs. Long was able to recover substantial damages on behalf of Mr. M and progress the claim to a successful conclusion, on his behalf.

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