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Mr. N


Mr. N instructed MRH Solicitors in September 2018 having sadly developed Mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos during the course of his employment, which is sadly a terminal illness and one that significantly reduces the life span of the sufferer. Given the serious and sensitive nature of the illness, it was imperative that the claim be handled by an experienced solicitor and MRH Solicitors appointed Brian Robinson, an APIL accredited senior litigator and occupational disease and asbestos specialist solicitor, with over 30 years litigation experience to represent Mr. N.

Brian Robinson immediately set about identifying a Defendant and fought to recover compensation on behalf of Mr. N. Despite the Defendants denying any fault for Mr. N’s condition, Brian Robinson was able to negotiate settlement on behalf of Mr N, recovering a six-figure sum plus medical treatment in the form of immunotherapy within approximately 6 months of the initial instructions.

With MRH Solicitors help, Mr. N is now able to put the legal claim behind him and focus on living his life

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