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Asbestos Related Disease

  • The UK Industrial Disease Specialists
  • Solicitor Home Visit Within 24 Hours
  • Over 90 Years Combined Experience

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    Asbestos Related Disease

    What is asbestos?

    Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that became popular in UK manufacturing throughout the 20th century, peaking in the 1970s. Thanks to its unique properties and cheap costs, asbestos was used in many different materials and products, including wall cladding or panelling in buildings and certain types of cement and plastering.

    However, inhaled asbestos dust and fibres are incredibly poisonous and can lead to a number of fatal diseases, so its use was completely banned in the UK in 1999.

    Today, as asbestos-related diseases are so slow to develop, many people who came into contact with asbestos decades ago are only now starting to show symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease you may be entitled to compensation and should contact one of our expert solicitors immediately.


    What diseases can asbestos exposure cause?

    Asbestos can cause a number of diseases, varying in severity:

    • Mesothelioma (a form of cancer commonly affecting the outer lining of the lung)
    • Asbestos-induced Lung Cancer
    • Asbestosis
    • Pleural Thickening

    Mesothelioma and lung cancer are the two most serious conditions and can invariably result in the significant reduction of life expectancy of the person suffering from the condition.

    The other conditions listed above can also have a seriously debilitating effect on the sufferer and their families, specifically asbestosis. It’s worth speaking to one of our professional solicitors if you have been diagnosed with any asbestos-related disease.

    What are the symptoms of asbestos exposure related diseases and how long do they take to develop?

    If you or someone you know has been exposed to asbestos and has developed any of the following conditions, it is vital that you seek medical attention as soon as possible:

    • Chest pain
    • Shortness of breath/trouble breathing
    • Tightness in the chest
    • A persistent cough
    • Fatigue (extreme tiredness)
    • A high temperature (fever) and sweating, particularly at night
    • Loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss

    These symptoms can take between 10 and 40 or more years to develop after the initial exposure to asbestos, depending on the level of exposure.

    How does asbestos exposure happen?

    When disturbed, asbestos releases fibres into the environment. If these are inhaled, they can become embedded in the lungs, which can then cause scarring or inflammation which can lead to one of the above diseases.

    Industries in which workers are often exposed to asbestos include:

    • Steel Works and Foundries
    • Power Stations, Power Plants, Boiler & Turbine Houses
    • Factory Environments
    • Construction Industry
    • Asbestos Removal
    • Insulation and Fireproofing Industry
    • Manufacturing of Asbestos Products
    • Demolition and Construction Disposal
    • Heavy Goods Vehicle Maintenance

    What are the next steps if I think I have a claim?

    If you think you may have an asbestos-related injury, you should contact your doctor immediately. If you have already been diagnosed, it’s in your best interests to contact a solicitor as you may be due significant compensation.

    You can still make a claim, even if:

    • You’re making a claim against an employer who is no longer trading
    • You were exposed to asbestos decades ago
    • You have an asbestos-related disease but you’re unsure when you were exposed to asbestos
    • You didn’t work directly with asbestos but lived with someone who did

    What is the average payout in the UK?

    • Mesothelioma

      £50,000 – £100,000 for the injury
      Settlements including financial losses typically exceed £100 ,000

    • Asbestosis / Pleural thickening

      This depends on the level of disability and can range from £15,000 up to £90,000 for the injury.
      Settlements including financial losses can exceed £100,000

    • Asbestos Induced Lung Cancer

      £55,000 – £80,000 for the injury

    Why choose MRH?

    At MRH Solicitors, we have a dedicated team with over 90 years of combined experience in pursuing claims for compensation against negligent employers, on behalf of both the victims and the families of those diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases.

    Any person suffering from Mesothelioma, asbestos-induced lung cancer, asbestosis or pleural thickening can expect to meet with one of our specialists. We are experts in asbestos-related disease claims.

    • If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, we can guarantee a home visit within 24 hours of first making contact with MRH Solicitors, no matter where you reside in the UK
    • We use only the leading medical experts in every claim to ensure compensation is maximised for you.
    • We can tailor the claims process to suit your individual needs.
    • Our team will handle your claim with expertise and sensitivity and support you all the way through your claim. We ensure that each case is dealt with as a priority and with minimal inconvenience to you.
    • During the claims process, we will also offer you information and guidance in relation to receiving state benefits which many sufferers of asbestos-related illness are entitled to.

    Get in touch today and we will begin your claim almost immediately, leaving you and your family with peace of mind in regards to compensation. Contact MRH Solicitors industrial disease team on 01204 535 333 or fill out our online form today.

    Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you
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