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Medical Negligence

To succeed in securing “damages”, that is, compensation following negligent medical treatment you have to show that the treating Clinician owed you a duty of care, that they breached that duty of care and that, as a result, you suffered an injury or that your medical condition was made worse than it would otherwise have been.

– Medical Negligence Claims
– Pursuing a Clinical Negligence Claim
– Funding
– Inquests
– NHS Complaints Procedure
– Types of Claims
– Recent Cases
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If you were a patient (whether under the NHS system or privately) it is almost inevitable that the treating Clinician did owe you a duty of care.

Click on one of our services below for more information or call is on 01204 535333 for a Free Initial Consultation.

Our Case Studies

We have worked on thousands of cases over the last 19 years. View some of our case studies, to see how we have helped others just like you.

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