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Serious Injury

MRH Solicitors recognise that it is imperative for seriously injured clients, to have specialist and highly competent solicitors handling their claims from the very beginning, whether they have sustained a straightforward fracture or a more catastrophic spinal or head injury or amputation

Our experienced Serious Injury Team only specialise in dealing with more complex injuries and seriously injured clients to ensure that they receive the highest levels of client care and to maximise the amount of damages, that is, compensation they are able to recover for their injuries and the associated financial losses.

Claims involving seriously injured clients invariably take longer to settle than more straightforward ‘whiplash’ type injuries. Therefore meeting the seriously injured client face to face helps to ensure the client has complete confidence in their solicitor and for that initial relationship to be developed as the claim progresses.

Click on one of our services below for more information or call is on 01204 535333 for a Free Initial Consultation.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you
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